Sunday 6 September 2015

woman empowerment of india

Empowerment means to vest with authority or to authorize. But it is not only giving people powers as people already have plenty of powers but empowerment is letting this power out in wealth of their knowledge and motivation to do their jobs magnificently. Empowerment is empowering the women of her country politically, economically and socially. It is;
Ability of decision making.
Having many options and selecting one among them.
Ability to present in views strongly with in the society.
Consider the holy bible Naomi wolf explain in a beauty myth. Though god made Adams from clay in his own image eve is an expendable rib .Actually this old word women is a compound of wife + men that means a part of men and not much apart from men yes , you can break down a woman temporarily but a real women will always pick up the pieces. She will rebuild herself and come back even stronger more than before. If we will take a look at the women of 1950 and a woman of present date we will find a lot of difference between them and this difference will reveal the theory of women empowerment. Today women are confident even if they are not literate as they know they backed by someone she is backed by the laws of her country. Since the time immemorial women has been the backbone of home society and states. She is an epitome of power and strength.
 As when we want money we use to worship laxmi, when we want knowledge we worship saraswati and as far as strength is concerned we use to worship durga.It was believed that WHERE WOMEN IS RESPECTED THERE LIVES GOD AND PROSPERITY PREVAILS. How can we say the women empowerment has not taken place when we can see women showering their magical influence in each and every field of modern Era. For instant we can take an example of recently held common wealth games out of all the 64 medals 29 were backed by the powerful daughters of our country only. This example is enough to prove the mental and physical strength of women era. Neelu Sharma a u.p girl sent her groom and in laws to jail only because of unreasonable dowry demands and there are many examples to prove that Today Women is empowered. Also to prevent rapes and molestations in our country Nirbhaya has been formed which is a helpline for the women of our country. Due to easy affordability and accessibility of internet. Women are enhancing their studies from the very comfort of their houses. Through new technologies like e-learning they are becoming more and more skillful. Take an example of “lijjat papad”. A lady started it and now it is existing as a worldwide industry. As today women is educated for her home as well for her society. She is preserving our nation. Our constitution provides women “right to equality” according to constitution section 14, right to equal opportunity according to constitution section16, equal wages for equal work according to section 39.People use to say that women empowerment is taking place only in cities. I would like to reminded them of GULAB GANG which is largest famine gang of her country consisting of 20 lakh members in it. The 73rd and 74th amendment has provided seats in local body of Panchayat and municipalities. We have innumerable ladies who had contributed a lot in English and hindi literature through their prolific and inspiring works take examples of sarojini naidu better known as “nightingle of india” .arundhati roy who was awarded booker award for her god of small things.many yojnas like LADLI LAXMI and SWAGATAM LAXMI are started in our country to empower women. today women is heroine of her life and not a victim. even our neighboring country Pakistan  has given women seats in local bodies of parliament. so don’t think if woman is bangled she cannot fight as she is weak its only a myth.        
By:-Anurag sharma