Wednesday 17 July 2013

A poormen given right amount for a corrupted soldiers

A king who lived in a grand palace was about to give sumptuous feast . The weather was so bad that not a single fish could be caught. But in the morning of the feast day a poor fishermen came there with a big fish.
The king was greatly pleased and said :- you yourself bid its price .
Fishermen said :- 100 whips on my bare back is it price .
King replied:- I could have liked to pay you money but as I have got to take the fish u shall do what you say,
When the fishermen received 50 whips he exclaimed stop there is one more partner of mine who must as well get his share.,
Astonished the king asked are there two such fool on earth. Call in other fool .
Fishermen said :- the other fool is your own gatekeeper. He wouldn't allow me to come in until I promised to give him half what I got for this fish.,
The gatekeeper was turned out after he had received 50 whips and the wise fishermen was handsomely awarded....,@nurag

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